
What's in a name?

When we decided to create a blog detailing some of our favorite books, the first step was coming up with a name. At the end of a long day of teaching, our creative juices simply were not flowing! What to do? Why, break out the thesaurus, of course! With some help from Kate, we were able to come up with many names, some MUCH more ridiculous than others. Some of our favorites include:

Resplendent Reading Recommendations
Guide for Gluttonous _______________ (no 'g' words to do with reading!)
Divine Devoted Diva's Directory
Tantalizing Tomes
Compendium Compulsion
Buried in Books
List for Lovely Ladies who Lust for Literature (one of our favorites... gotta love all those Ls!)
Books We Don't Hate

After all of these suggestions, it became clear that we needed something catchy yet simple. That's when we stumbled upon our choice. So welcome to "Read This, Not That: A Guide for Ravenous Readers!" Here, you'll find books that we've read along with a brief summary and whether or not we believe you should take the time to read, too. Enjoy!

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