
Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

Rose Hathaway has always played by her own rules. Now the law has finally caught up with her. This time though, she did not commit the crime. She’s in prison for the highest offense imaginable, the assassination of a monarch. The clock on Rose’s life is running out. Rose knows in her heart the world of the dead wants her back… and this time she is truly out of second chances. The big question is, when your life is about saving others, who will save you?

Though I was extremely pleased with this book, I would have enjoyed more elaboration on the future of these characters. As the last book in the series it was enough to leave the reader satisfied. Yet, I still felt there were too many holes for my taste. I guess I will need to read the spin off series which will follow some of the secondary characters, and include cameos from Rose, and other main characters.

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