
The Indigo Spell (bloodlines) by Richelle Mead

After her forbidden moment with Adrian, Sydney is struggling to draw the line between her Alchemist teachings and what her heart is telling her. Now she's met a former Alchemist named Marcus Finch, who's very handsome, and wants her to join his group of rebels. Meanwhile, there's an evil witch on the loose killing innocent people and Sydeny will have to embrace her magic to stop her.

I really enjoyed this book and I'm loving the series. I'm not sure if it's as good as Vampire Academy, but for a spin off, it's great. I especially love Adrian! I will await the next installment.

Requiem by Lauren Oliver

Lena has joined the Resistance. The Wilds are no longer safe as the Regulators look for the Invalids. Lena navigates the Wilds and struggles to survive, while her best friend Hana lives a safe, loveless life in Portland where she will soon marry the young Mayor. The discoveries made by both Lena and Hana will ultimately lead to their reunion and the beginning of a revolution.

Such a FABULOUS ending to this trilogy! This book is told from the perspective of both Lena and Hana, and it works perfectly. I'm hoping for some movies!

Deadly Little Lesson (a Touch novel) by Laurie Stolarz

Camelia's senior year should be a time of joy and discovery. So far, the only things she's discovered are a family secret, and another person in need of her help. As she heads to Rhode Island for a summer art program she begins her investigation into the disappearance of a local girl. She must learn to accept her gift if she wants to solve this mystery in time. On top of all that Camelia is dating Adam, but she misses Ben terribly, and has started wondering if things could work out for them.

I LOVED this book! I really like where she has taken these characters. I think this might be the last book, though I'm not positive. If so, it is a great ending.

Deadly Little Voices (a Touch novel) by Laurie Stolarz

Camelia's power of psychometry are growing. She's starting to hear voices and her pottery has become her curse, rather than her gift. Camelia must figure out who these visions are about and how to save them before it's too late. She starts getting premonitions that completely take over her body, and unfortunately they're happening in public. Meanwhile, she still has feelings for Ben, who is seeing someone else, making her emotional state even more precarious. Can she handle her new powers, and retain her sanity?

I really had forgotten all about this series, and then I realized there were two more I needed to read! I really loved this one, and enjoyed the fact that Camelia is becoming a more layered character.

Reached by Allie Condie

Cassia and Ky have finally found what they've been looking for, and have a clear purpose. But is the Rising really what they thought it was? Who are these people they've aligned themselves with and what are their real agendas? Nothing is as they predicted it, and once again they will need to make decisions about their future and fight to be together.

I absolutely loved the final book in this trilogy. The twists were really unexpected and Ally Condie did a beautiful job wrapping up this story.

Lullaby (Watersong #2) by Amanda Hocking

Harper is still trying to rescue her sister Gemma from the evil girls who changed her. With Danielle by her side, she will stop at nothing to get her sister back. Meanwhile, Gemma is adjusting to life in her new skin. Though she is fighting the darker sides of her nature, it is only a matter of time until she gives in. Gemma is afraid she may never be able to return to life the way it was before.

Again, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this novel. I really wasn't sure about these at first. The "creatures" in this series are new and not as overwritten as some others. I would call it refreshing.

The Calling (Darkness Rising #2) by Kelley Armstrong

Maya has discovered the secrets hidden in her small town. Betrayed by the people they once trusted, she and her friends must find a way to save themselves.

It is VERY hard with a trilogy not to give anything away in the description. This book is action packed and will keep you riveted. I plan to start the third book tonight!

The Gathering (Darkness Rising Book 1) by Kelley Armstrong

Maya lives in a small town of 200 on Vancouver Island. Strange things have been happening in this small medical research town. Maya is determined to discover how her best friend, and captain of the swim team, could drown, why there are mountain lions stalking the woods, and who the mysterious new boy is that wants her attention. The things Maya discovers are beyond anything she could have imagined.

I am a big fan of Kelley Armstrong. The Gathering is the first book in the Darkness Rising trilogy, which is connected to her Darkest Powers trilogy. I was sucked right in to this trilogy and I'm about to read the last one! I highly recommend them. I feel like they are something a little different than most books in this genre.


Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Tessa has made her choice: she is marrying Jem despite Will's profession of love for her, but Jem is dying. He has used up his store of yin fen, the demon drug that he depends on to live, and the Magister has hoarded the rest in an attempt to get Tessa to cooperate with his evil plan. The Shadowhunters of the London Institute have lost the support of the others who view their leader, Charlotte, as weak and incapable of making sound decisions because she is a woman. So when the Magister sends an army of automatons to bring Tessa to him, it is a simple task. And when they refuse to send anyone after her, Will takes off on his own to bring her home.

This was a very satisfying ending to the trilogy. I will admit (and warn you) DO NOT LOOK INSIDE THE JACKET COVER! I saw something that I thought was a map but turned out to be a family tree. Imagine how disappointed I was when I found out who ends up together before even reading the first page... Aside from that, the story was very well-written in typical Clare-fashion, though I did feel like it was slightly more predictable than her other stories. And I have to admit that I was really excited to find that a theory I had concerning a character from the Mortal Instruments books turned out to be (almost) right!

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Lena finds herself in the Wilds, struggling to live among the Invalids. Her love for Alex haunts her, but she finds new purpose when she is thrust back into the world of Cureds, or what she now refers to as "zombies." As she's tailing a well-known leader's son, trying to gather information, she sees him kidnapped and is also taken. As she spends time locked up with him, she reflects on her struggles in the Wilds as she gets to know more about him.

It took me a little while to get into this book as well. The story is told with chapters alternating between the present and the past, entwining her current situation with the hardships she faced in the Wilds. Getting used to this format took some time, but the storyline again did not disappoint. As for cliffhanger endings, this one rivals the best!

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Lena can't wait for her Procedure. She is terrified of contracting deliria nervosa, what we know as love,  and will be immune once she has her Procedure. She's only got a few months to go when she meets Alex. Alex has the marks of the Procedure, so Lena isn't worried about the deliria with him. After all, he is Cured. But as Lena spends more time with him, she realizes that he knows a little too much about the Wilds that lay outside of the fence, talks about the Invalids without fear, and that she's in too deep with him to care.

Honestly, this story started a little slow for me. It had the feeling that it was giving a lot of background information, but I was anxious for it to really get started. Once it did, though, there was no putting it down! And the ending? Make sure you have Kleenex handy...