
Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready

Aura is completely torn up about the last time she saw Logan. Instead of passing on as planned, his ghost form shaded out and became a violent spirit. Months later, she is still hung up on him and hoping that she can help him return to a ghost and pass on, fully knowing that once a ghost shades, they're lost forever. When Logan returns and not only becomes a ghost, but also temporarily gains a body back, Aura has some major decisions to make. Should she help Logan try to get his old life back? Or should she continue to encourage him to pass on? And how much longer can she deny the growing attraction she has with Zachary?

I have to say that this was very good by middle-trilogy-book standards. It answered many questions from the first book, but left lots open for the last and also brought up many other questions. My only real complaint is how easily she forgives a certain incident (you'll know what I'm talking about when you read it!) The final book in the series, Shine, is set for release on May 1, 2012 and I can not wait to see how this series ends!

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