
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater

Grace is living as a wolf in the Boundary Wood. Cole and Sam are living together in Beck's old house, trying to find a cure to the shifts that take them from their human bodies and minds. Isabel's father is getting closer to gaining permission to hunt down the wolves of Mercy Falls, and when a girl is found dead, her body showing all the signs of being attacked by a wolf, he finally has the ammunition he needs to get rid of the wolves for good.

As much as I hate to say this, the ending of this series was lacking. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot going on throughout the story and I really enjoyed the suspense leading up to the final hunt, but when I finally got there and there were only 11 pages left, I kind of knew that I was going to be disappointed. I almost feel like she had hit her deadline or page quota or something along those lines so "Well, here's as good a place to end as any." There are so many questions left unanswered that it doesn't feel like the series should be over, but after reading her notes and acknowledgements, she is very firm in the fact that this is the last book about the wolves of Mercy Falls. This may sound harsh, but I almost wish she would've just left Shiver as a stand-alone book because it was so good and the other two just did not live up to it.