
Crossed by Ally Condie

After watching Ky being taken away by Officials during the night, Cassia knows that he is being sent to the Outer Provinces and his death. Cassia is being shipped from work camp to work camp as the Society tries to mold her back into the sorter she was slated to be. She is still in contact with Xander, her Society Match. Ky is fighting to stay alive and burying the bodies of the boys who don't make it in the villages where they are serving as decoys for the Enemy. Both hear rumors of the Rising, a group who is rebelling against the Society. But when Ky and Cassia both break free, they find information that not only makes them further question the Society, but also whether their love can really last.

The beginning of this story was great: bouncing between narration by Cassia and Ky, knowing how hard they were trying to get back to each other, and seeing the obstacles they were both trying to overcome. I was very disappointed with the ending, though, because it was very abrupt. I'm hoping that it was just because there's much more to come in the final book of this trilogy that still doesn't have a name and is (hopefully) coming out in November 2012!

Catching Fire & Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Not wanting to ruin book 1 of the Hunger Games, I decided not to post a synopsis for either of the last books of the trilogy. Rather, I'd like to say that after reading The Hunger Games, you must keep reading to know how things end. It's hard to believe, but in many ways, the last two books are even more intense than the first book. I felt helpless and desolate while reading parts of the books, crying as things unfolded, and even the 'happy ending' is somewhat tainted. LOVE these books because they are so different than most anything out there. Highly, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommended!

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Katniss Everdeen has seen the Hunger Games televised live every year. They are brutal: each of the 12 districts sends one boy and one girl into an arena where they fight to the death and the last one living is the winner. When Katniss's younger sister's name is pulled for the reaping, she immediately volunteers to go in her place. Listening to her mentors, Katniss teams up with Peeta, her district's boy tribute, during all of the pre-Games. Once inside the arena, though, it's every tribute for themselves.

This book is INTENSE! There is absolutely no other way to describe it. I could feel myself tensing as I read, more than once I got goosebumps up my arms, and I never saw the story playing out the way it did. This book was just incredible. If you don't read any other book, take the time for this one!

Supernaturally by Kiersten White

Evie finally has what she's always longed for: a normal life away from IPCA. While she attends high school in Lend's hometown, he's away at college. With homework, a normal job, and a boyfriend that she only sees on weekends, Evie is surprised at how boring normal is. When IPCA tries to get her to come back and do some odd-jobs for them, Evie jumps at the chance to be special again. She is partnered up with Jack, a human who grew up in Faerie and can create the doors that allow them to travel easily from place to place. Behind Lend's back, she goes on missions for IPCA, each more disastrous than the last. Then Rend shows up, bringing with him information about Evie's past and the war that is brewing over her.

The pacing on this one was a little slower and I was disappointed with the lack of relationship between Evie and Lend. I still love Evie and all of her 'bleeping,' though! By the end, things read more like the first book and I am still eager for the last book, Endlessly, to be released July 24, 2012.