
Black Dawn by Rachel Caine

Claire, Shane, Eve and Michael never imagined they would team up with the vampires of Morganville for anything. However, the enemy that has taken over their town is the worst they've ever faced. The draug feed on humans and vampires alike; more than anything, Magnus the draug leader, wants Claire. Things are looking grim, especially with the founder Amelie infected by a draug bite. With most of the town evacuated, this shaky alliance will have to be enough to save them all.

This is the 12th book in the Morganville series. I was thrilled when I saw that a new book had come out. I am amazed that Rachel Caine continues to find new, exciting situations for Claire and her friends. You would think after twelve books I would be over these, but I still love them just as much as I did when I read the first one!

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